
My research investigates how allyship—privileged groups acting in solidarity with marginalized groups— can either mitigate or exacerbate intergroup conflict, and how ally behaviors can be strategically fostered to enhance social cohesion in diverse settings. By understanding both the psychological and organizational barriers that hinder traditionally advantaged groups from engaging in ally behaviors, my work aims to design interventions that foster solidarity, reduce biases, and promote more inclusive and equitable organizations and societies.



Manuscripts Under Review

Selected Reseach in Progress

Research Positions & Affiliations


Malcomb, C.S., & Zitek, E. (In press). The Illusion of Inclusion: Examining the Limitations of Diversity Metrics in Baseball. Special Issue: Promoting Inclusion and Representation: The Role of Cultural Diversity in Sports, Frontiers in Psychology.

Zitek, E. M., Malcomb, C. S., & Hager, F. J. (2024). Identity-based rivalry: A common identity across competitors leads to rivalry perceptions and better performance. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations.

Lee, A. J., Mason, M. F., & Malcomb, C. S. (2024). Hedging First Offers Permits Assertiveness While Lowering Risk a Partner Walks. Social Psychological and Personality Science.

Lee, A. J., Mason, M. F., & Malcomb, C. S. (2021). Beyond cheap talk accounts: A theory of politeness in negotiations. Research in Organizational Behavior, 41,

Manuscripts Under Review

Malcomb, C.S., & Zitek, E. (Revise & Resubmit). Should I encourage my employees to share their pronouns? The roles of autonomy and norm building in perceptions of organizational inclusion. Academy of Management Discoveries.

Zitek, E., Malcomb, C.S., Parris, B.,* & Grossman, S.* (Revise & Resubmit). Minor League Baseball: The challenges and benefits of a multicultural experience. Special Issue: Promoting Inclusion and Representation: The Role of Cultural Diversity in Sports, Frontiers in Psychology.

*Denotes undergraduate collaborator

Selected Research in Progress

Malcomb, C.S., McClean, E., Osborne, M. R., & Darby, C.M. Speaking up for others: Understanding how target utility shapes voice behavior in the face of bias.

Malcomb. C.S., & Carter, J. To be or to do? The Effects of conceptualizing ‘Ally’ as identity or action.

Malcomb, C. S. Inclusive to whom? A perception gap between potential allies and targets of allyship.

Malcomb, C.S., & Proudfoot, D. The role of manager flexibility on perceptions of equity and inclusion.

Bae, S., Malcomb, C. S., & Zitek, E. Psychological barriers to ending systems of suffering. 

Lee, A. J., Malcomb, C. S, & Mason, M. F. Gender and linguistic politeness strategies  

Research Positions & Affiliations

Johnson Leadership Programs Research Scholar 

This fellowship is given to a Cornell PhD candidate to support the Leadership Programs at the Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University and enhance Johnson’s identity as being on the forefront of leadership scholarship and practice. In this position, I conducted cutting-edge research that a) advances theory through novel and publishable insights centered on inclusive leadership, and b) developed the new 4C’s Leadership Framework to inform how the school develops students as inclusive leaders.

Graduate Research Fellow

ILR WIDE brings together research, teaching, and organizational practices for diversity and inclusion education. In collaboration with WIDE, I created and manage an undergraduate research program aimed at developing undergraduate students as researchers and future scholars.

Research Lab Affiliations 

  • Experimental Psychology and Organizations Lab, Cornell University
  • Social Perception and Intergroup Inequality Lab (PI: Amy Krosch), Cornell University 
  • Hebl-King Lab, Rice University

Academic Affiliations

  • Academy of Management: OB, DEI 
  • International Association for Conflict Management 
  • Society for Personality and Social Psychology 
  • Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology 
  • Society for Judgement and Decision Making